The U.S. Treasury let Citigroup take billions of dollars of illegal tax deductions to help Citigroup during the financial crisis. Citigroup took these deductions for its New York State taxes too. New York law lets a private person sue a delinquent taxpayer. That's what I did. I failed, though. The courts never addressed the question of whether Citigroup owed the taxes. They dismissed my suit on the grounds that my allegations were already "publicly disclosed".
What Citigroup did. In July 2009 Citigroup issued new stock to the U.S. Treasury and the general public
(see here and here and here. When enough ownership changes hands, a corporation loses the ability to set off past operating losses (NOL's) against future income to reduce its income tax (Tax Code Section 382). The U.S. Treasury issued several "Notices" claiming that Section 382 does not apply when the U.S. Treasury is the stockholder. This attracted much adverse comment, and an investigation by the inspector-general which has still to issue its findings. Treasury did not address the exception's illegality, but replied that they needed to do it to save the banks. The special exception had the effect of reducing Citigroup's taxes and raising its stock's value by many billions of dollars.
This lawsuit. New York State's False Claims Act
allows private individuals to act as "relators" for the State, suing delinquent taxpayers "qui tam" to compel them to pay their taxes in return for a reward. I, Eric Rasmusen,
am the relator. The legal pleadings (the complaint) formally lists my allegations
for the court. The suit was initially filed "under seal" so New York Attorney-General Eric Schneiderman could decide whether to join us, which we very much wanted.
He has declined, without saying why Citigroup doesn't owe the taxes. If Citigroup owes $800 million in New York tax, the Act trebles that to $2.4 billion. That could fund a rebate of more than $200 for every household in New York State. Whether the actual amount is $800 million we will not know for sure until we see Citigroup's state tax returns.
Removal to Federal Court. In October 2015 Citigroup asked to remove the case from the New York state court to the 2nd circuit federal district court. If a federal court rules that the NOL deductions are improper and Section 382 applies to Citigroup, then Section 383, which deals with tax credits, will apply also. That would not matter to the state taxes, but it would be hugely important for federal taxes, since Citigroup valued its NOL's and tax credits at $21 billion
in 2009 and most of that would vanish.
In December 2015 Citigroup moved to dismiss,
submitting this brief in support.
Here is our response brief. Citigroup filed its a reply brief in March 2016. In December 2016 Judge Kaplan
ruled that the case had no essential federal question, and remanded it to New York court.
Assemblymen inquire. In March 2016, 18 members of the New York Assembly wrote to Attorney-General Schneiderman
asking him to explain why he was not joining the lawsuit. The suit made into Law360's "Top 5 Tax Cases To Watch in 2017."
Citigroup refiled its motion to dismiss in State court,
this dismissal brief. Citigroup also filed
a 10-megabyte pdf file of exhibits--- newspaper articles and such,
all in one giant file. Here is my
opposition brief and their
reply brief. Oral argument was May 17, 2017 before Judge Charles Ramos
in lower Manhattan (Center Street courthouse).
After hearing Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Polubinski speak, Judge Ramos dismissed
the case from the bench (see "Keeping Cases Moving: Ruling from the Bench"). You can see the oral
argument transcript and
and my annotated excerpts.
The best version of the order and judgement I have is
The Appeal I appealed to the Appellate Division, First Department,
filing the brief
in March 2018. I appealed, and lost again, with a very short opinion which merely said that the suit was barred because the allegations were already "publicly disclosed".
For more information, see the FAQs page.
The case is New York State ex rel. Eric Rasmusen v. Citigroup, Inc. In federal court it is New York State ex rel. Eric Rasmusen v. Citigroup, Inc., 220 F.Supp.3d 523 (2016). In state court it is New York State ex rel. Eric Rasmusen v. Citigroup, Inc., 75 N.Y.S.3d 903 (2018).
The case number in state court is 100175/2013. Docket entries are available by searching
the New York court records.
The rest of this long webpage consists of links to information about various aspects of the case.
For most people, the following links will be enough:
- Citigroup Accused of Improperly Avoiding $800 Million in New York State Taxes, New York Times (Dealbook), Lynnley Browning, October 19 (October 20 in print).
- "Western NY lawmakers want Citigroup to pay," Albany Times Union Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin, March 16, 2016.
- "Obama Admin Grants Mega Tax Break To Citi In Bailout Deal," Talking Points blog, JUSTIN ELLIOTT, DECEMBER 16, 2009 (perhaps the best single, brief, article).
- SIG TARP engagement memo for Rep. Dennis Kucinich's request to assess the decision to exempt Citigroup from section 382, August 10, 2010.
- "Ex-Watchdogs Condemn A.I.G. Tax Exemption,"
KEVIN ROOSE, The New York Times, Dealbook,
March 13, 2012. (Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives condemn the 382 waiver, using AIG as their example)
- "Can the Treasury Exempt its Own Companies from Tax?
The $45 Billion GM NOL Carryforward," J. Mark Ramseyer and Eric Rasmusen,
The Cato Papers on Public Policy, 2011, Vol 1, Article 1, pp. 1-54, edited by Jeffrey Miron. (the article that led to the suit)
Contact information for reporters:
Eric Rasmusen, [email protected], (812) 345-8573.
J. Mark Ramseyer (co-author with Rasmusen of the GM paper), [email protected], 617-496-4878,,
Citigroup. general press number: 212-793-0710. Mark Costiglio, (212) 559-4114, has been the spokesmen in stories about this lawsuit.
- Citigroup�s attorney at Davis-Polk is Edmund Polubinski, [email protected], (212)450-4695.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman: [email protected]. New York City Press Office: (212) 416-8060.
Albany Press Office: (518) 776-2427.
New York Governor Cuomo.[email protected]. NYC Press Office: 212.681.4640. Albany Press Office: 518.474.8418.
New York Department of Taxation and Finance (under Gov. Cuomo): "Reporters and other media representatives: Call 518-457-7377."
Office of the Special Inspector General For The Troubled Asset Relief Program: "Please direct all media inquiries to
the Press Office at (202) 927-8940 or use our online form."
Eugene H. Kim attorney representing Eric Rasmusen in the appeal, 201-205-2427.
Hodgson-Russ attorneys originally representing Eric Rasmusen. John Sinatra: [email protected], 716.848.1414.
Aaron Saykin: [email protected], 716.848.1345.
For Expert Comment: Leiter's Top Ten Tax Law Faculty in Scholarly Impact, 2009-2013 (not in order here)
Daniel N. Shaviro (New York University):
(212) 998-6187,
[email protected].
Leandra Lederman (Indiana University): (812) 855-6149,
[email protected].
- Michael Graetz (Columbia): (212) 854-7681, [email protected].
- David Weisbach (Chicago): 773-702-3342,
[email protected].
- Louis Kaplow* (Harvard University): 617-495-4101.
- Mark Gergen (Berkeley): 510-643-9577,
Email Address: [email protected].
- Kristin Hickman (Minnesota): 612-624-2915, E: [email protected].
- Brian Galle (Georgetown):
[email protected],
- Edward Zelinsky (Yeshiva University): [email protected].
- Victor Fleischer (University of San Diego): [email protected],
(619) 260-2320.
- Avi-Yonah, Reuven (University of Michigan): 734.647.4033,
[email protected].
- Joseph Bankman (Stanford): [email protected], 650-725-3825.
- Larry Zelenak (Duke): [email protected],
- Not on the Leiter list, but someone I think I�ve seen cited as being pro-Treasury on Section 382 is Edward Kleinbard (University of Southern California): [email protected]
(213) 740-4582.
An interesting event: I received a flattering letter with a check for $65.00 from a small charitable foundation that is pleased with my lawsuit.
2015-2016 Media Coverage
- Western NY lawmakers want Citigroup to pay, Rick Karlin, Albany Times-Union, March 16, 2016.
- NY Pols Ask Schneiderman Why He Skipped $2.4B Citi Suit
Jack Newsham,
Law360, March 16, 2016.
- 18 Assemblymembers Ask A.G. Schneiderman to Speak Up and Explain His Stance on Whistleblower Lawsuit Pending Against Citigroup
HEZI ARIS, Yonkers Tribune, March 15, 2016.
- Citigroup Accused of Improperly Avoiding $800 Million in New York State Taxes or here, TAX NOTES, David Sawyer, October 22, 2015.
- Professor/whistleblower sues Citigroup for $800 million, plans to donate to charity
,, Hanna Nakano, October 23.
- Citigroup Accused of Improperly Avoiding $800 Million in New York State Taxes, New York Times (Dealbook), Lynnley Browning, October 19 (October 20 in print).
- Whistleblower, an Indiana economist, says Citigroup owes New York State $2.4 billion, Tom Precious, Buffalo News, October 15.
- Rasmusen: How I Came To Be Suing Citigroup For $2.4 Billion As A Tax Whistleblower, TaxProf blog, Eric Rasmusen, October 21.
- Financial Crisis Fallout: Lawsuit Seeks $2.4 Billion From Citigroup Over Bailout-Era Tax Liabilities, Owen David, International Business Times, October 20. (same story in San Jose News, Liberia News, Perth News, Omaha News, Philippine News, Ireland News, etc.)
- Citigroup faces lawsuit from Indiana Univ. professor for allegedly underpaying taxes, Legal, Hoang Tran, October 19.
- Law Suit for Billions Against Citigroup Because of Treasury�s 2009 Waiver of Section 382�s Rule about Losing NOL�s after an Ownership Change, Procedurally Taxing blog, Eric Rasmusen, October 20.
Other Links, in Sections
Legal Papers for This Suit
Government Documents: Statutes, Regulations, and Notices
The EESA Notices
- IRS-Notice2009-14.htm
- IRS-Notice_2009-38.htm
- IRS-Notice2010-2.htm
- The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of
Notice 2008-83:
Application of Section 382(h) to Banks, U.S. Treasury, October 20, 2008; and A Quiet "Windfall For U.S. Banks,"
Amit R. Paley,
Washington Post,
November 10, 2008. (This, "the Wells-Fargo Notice," was an earlier, 2008, notice potentially giving 100s of billions of dollars in illegal tax breaks to banks. Congress was outraged and passed a bill which repudiated the notice a few months later). See the Stimulus Bill of 2009. Pages 228-229 repudiate the Wells Fargo Notice.
Corporate Income Tax Law
Administration Defenses of the 382 Waiver
- "Just the Facts: Government Investments in Private Companies, the Tax Code and Taxpayers� Interests," Treasury Notes,
Emily McMahon, 3/1/2012.
"U.S. isn't evading taxes on Citigroup," Letters to the Editor, Washington Post, Herb Allison,
Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability at the US Treasury,
December 22, 2009.
- "Briefing by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, 12/16/09" (search for "Citigroup")
"White House Defends Citigroup Tax Break," CBS News, December 16, 2009.
2009-2014 Media Coverage and Political Commentary on the Citigroup Waiver
- December 22, 2009 Letter from Senator Grassley to Secretary Geithner about the Special 382 Treatment of Citigroup. (Congressional Record)
- The December 16, 2009 Flurry of Reporting
- "U.S. gave up billions in tax money in deal for Citigroup's bailout repayment,"
Binyamin Appelbaum,
Washington Post,
December 16, 2009. (a very influential article)
- "U.S. forfeiting billions in future taxes to let Citi repay TARP,"
EDWARD HARRISON, Credit Writedown blog, 16 DECEMBER 2009. (an opinion piece on the NOL exemption with lots of detail)
- "Obama Admin Grants Mega Tax Break To Citi In Bailout Deal," Talking Points blog, JUSTIN ELLIOTT, DECEMBER 16, 2009. (perhaps the best single, brief, article)
- "The $48 billion TARP puzzle," Washington Post, Dylan Matthews, July 27, 2012.
- "No New Tax Break for Citi?"
December 16, 2009.
ABCNEWS.COM, (ABC shilling for Treasury, giving without attribution the Treasury story as if it were fact)
- Comment on the Same Tax Break As Given to AIG
- "Bending the Tax Code, and Lifting A.I.G.�s Profit,"
ANDREW ROSS SORKIN, New York Times, Dealbook column, February 27, 2012.
and Sorkin�s AIG Tale Debunked by . . . Sorkin,"
Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture blog, September 13th, 2012.
"NY Times: Treasury Bent NOL Rules to Provide $26 Billion to AIG,"
Paul Caron,Taxprof blog, February 28, 2012.
- "Ex-Watchdogs Condemn A.I.G. Tax Exemption,"
KEVIN ROOSE, The New York Times, Dealbook,
March 13, 2012. (Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives condemn the 382 waiver, using AIG as their example)
- "AIG�s past losses cost taxpayers now and into the future," Opinions, The Washington Post, Elizabeth Warren, Damon Silvers, Mark McWatters and Kenneth Troske, March 29, 2012.
- "AIG�s Tax Break: a �Stealth Bailout�?
The insurance giant benefits from a waiver most acquired companies can�t get,"
Beth Braverman,, March 23, 2012.
- "The True Cost of the AIG Bailout,"
James Tilson and Robert E. Prasch, The Big Picture blog, January 28th, 2013.
- Extraordinary Financial Assistance
Provided to Citigroup, Inc., SIGTARP 11-002 January 13, 2011.
"AIG Joins Citigroup, GM in Deferred Tax Asset �Hall of Fame�"
Noah Buhayar, Bloomberg, July 8, 2011.
- "Elizabeth Warren on Bailouts,"
Modeled Behavior blog, March 16th, 2012.
Tax Whistleblower Laws
- The New York State Whistleblower Law
- State Qui Tam Tax Whistleblower Laws in General
- "Much Ado About Qui Tam for State Taxes," Tax Analysts, Deddeh Ansumana Jones, APRIL 3, 2015.
- "Qui Tam for Tax?: Lessons from the States,"
Franziska Hertel, Columbia Law Review, November 2013, Issue 7, Notes, Volume 113.
- "Not Just Whistling Dixie: The Case for Tax Whistleblowers in the States,"
Dennis J. Ventry Jr.,
University of California, Davis - School of Law, Villanova Law Review, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2014.
- IRS Hostility to Tax Whistleblowers
"CIVIL FALSE CLAIMS ACT: Recent Developments
Increase Possibility of FCA Claims Against
Recipients of TARP Funds and Contractors Retained
by Treasury for TARP Services,"
Fried Frank law firm advisory report (02/02/2009).
People and Organizations
- About Citigroup
- Bio of the current CEO of Citigroup, Michael Corbat.
- Wall Street Journal, Heard on the Street, "Unlocking Citi's Trapped Tax Asset," March 13, 2012, David Reilly.
- Citigroup's Annual report for 2009 and its 2014 10-K statement.
- Citigroup financial statement Taxes Note extracted from the 2009 and
2010 annual reports.
- "Extraordinary Financial Assistance
Provided to Citigroup, Inc."
SIGTARP(January 2011).
- Geithner ignored Obama order on Citi, book says Crain's New York article about a book by a former WSJ reporter saying that Timothy Geithner ignored an order from President Obama to let Citigroup go banktupt.
- Citigroup: a culture and history of tax evasion,"
Lucy Komisar, The Tax Justice Network, January 2006.
- "The Untold Story of the Bailout of Citigroup,"
Pam Martens, Wall Street on Parade blog, August 8, 2012.
- "Government banks $15 billion on Citigroup bailout,"
Stephen Gandel, SEPTEMBER 10, 2013.
(The Treasury did make money on Citigroup aside from the tax deduction loss)
- "Citigroup $2.42 Billion Issue Erases Bailout,"
Charles Mead Donal Griffin, Bloomberg Business,
September 10, 2013. (a readable but number-filled description of the full bailout, though it is unclear about the public issuing of shares)
- "Sheila Bair Calls Citigroup The 'Worst Bank',"
The Huffington Post, Christine Conetta, 1.23.2014.
- "�Enough is enough': Elizabeth Warren launches fiery attack after Congress weakens Wall Street regs," Wonkblog, The Washington Post, December 12, 2014 (prepared speech and video of Elizabeth Warren). (has details on Obama Administatration personnel from Citigroup, and how it got more bailout money than any other bank)
- About Eric Rasmusen
Eric Rasmusen has published widely in the fields of law-and-economics, industrial organization, Japanese studies, and game theory. He is the Dan R. and Catherine M. Dalton Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
- Eric Rasmusen vitae (resume, list of publications)
- "Can the Treasury Exempt its Own Companies from Tax?
The $45 Billion GM NOL Carryforward," J. Mark Ramseyer and Eric Rasmusen,
The Cato Papers on Public Policy, 2011, Vol 1, Article 1, pp. 1-54, edited by Jeffrey Miron. (the article that led to the suit)
- Eric Rasmusen's best-known book is Games and Information, 4th edition (2006), with book chapters, and problem answers, extra problems, and so forth. See too Readings in Games and Information (2001), an edited book of readings on how to use game theory, including "Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening".
- About Hodgson-Russ, LLP
Professor Rasmusen is represented by Hodgson, Russ, LLP. The firm was founded in 1817 in Buffalo, New York, and its former partners include Presidents Fillmore and Cleveland (a history is here). Hodgon-Russ currently has more than 230 attorneys, including a large Canadian practice. One of its specialities is qui tam whistleblower suits.
Attorneys involved in the case include John Sinatra (litigation), Richard Campbell (tax), Reetapurna Dutta (qui tam), and Dan Oliverio (litigation, chairman of the law firm)
- About Eric Schneiderman, Attorney-General of New York State
- Official bio of Eric T. Schneiderman
"The Man the Banks Fear Most: Wall Street's gone largely unpunished for its role in wrecking the economy�- until New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman came along,"
The American Prospect, Harold Myerson, April 23, 2012.
- "Occupy Albany: New York�s far-left attorney general,"
Walter Olson, Opinion, The New York Post, July 26, 2015.
- AG Schneiderman and the Tax Whistleblower Law
- The tax whistleblower case against Sprint: NY attorney general gets it, the IRS doesn't,"
Erika Kelton, Forbes, April 20, 2012.
"New York AG's Tax Probes Energize Whistleblowers, Set Advisers on Edge," Amy Hamilton, Tax Analysts, OCTOBER 16, 2012.
- "A.G. Schneiderman Announces $6.2 Million Settlementwith Lantheus Medical Imaging & Bristol-Myers Squibb For Failing To Pay New York Corporate Income Taxes," press release, March 14, 2014.
- "A.G. Schneiderman Announces $1.56 Million Settlement With New Jersey Appliance Retailer For Failing To Pay New York Taxes," press release, August 22nd 2014.
- "A.G. Schneiderman Wins Right To Proceed With Groundbreaking Tax Fraud Lawsuit Against Sprint For Approximately $400 Million," press release, February 27th 2014.
- "New York AG suing tanning salon over �deceptive advertising�,"
Julia Marsh, The New York Post, April 23, 2015.
- AG Schneiderman and Politics
- "The Left Flank
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has taken on the role of liberal gatekeeper�trying to goad Barack Obama and Andrew Cuomo away from the Democratic center," New York Magazine,
Chris Smith, Jan 6, 2013.
- "AG Schneiderman erases Cuomo�s rule on official emails," Carl Campanile, The New York Post, March 13, 2015.
- "Eric Schneiderman mulling run for governor against Cuomo,"
Fredric U. Dicker, The New York Post, March 16, 2015.
- "Eric Schneiderman rips Cuomo�s ethics reforms,"
Kirstan Conley and Carl Campanile, The New York Post, March 30, 2015.
- "Lovett: N.Y. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman gearing up for possible gubernatorial run in 2018,"
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, April 27, 2015.
- "Cuomo probes agencies about Schneiderman�s performance,"
Carl Campanile, The New York Post, June 4, 2015.
- About the Special Attorney General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP)
- About New York State Politics
Other Items
United States Senate
Committee on Finance
Hearing on
Confirmation of Mr. Timothy F. Geithner to be
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Treasury
January 21, 2009
(See question 28, on the Wells-Fargo notice)
- Thursday, January 22, 2009
Geithner Blames Turbo Tax For His Tax Troubles
By Paul Caron
- "Obama Administration Helps Wall
Street Criminals Dodge
Obama administration proposal would aid big banks that have pleaded
guilty to felony antitrust charges," Shahien Nasiripour, Huffington Post (September 1, 2015) (on the Obama Administration's 2015 proposal to exempt Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase from being blocked from making certain loans because of their felony convictions.
Notice 2008-83:
Application of Section 382(h) to Banks, U.S. Treasury, October 20, 2008; and A Quiet "Windfall For U.S. Banks,"
Amit R. Paley,
Washington Post,
November 10, 2008. (This, "The Wells-Fargo Notice," was an earlier, 2008, notice potentially giving over 100 billion dollars in illegal tax breaks to banks. Congress was outraged and passed a bill which repudiated the notice a few months later. It matters as evidence that Treasury is willing to violate the law and outrage Congress)